Monday, October 9, 2023

New day, new post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about live action remakes. Live action is a disease that has plagued the animation community as a whole for many years now. Nothing anywhere is safe, because as soon as it becomes popular, it will be ruined. This isn't always true. Sometimes good live action does come out. But it's a rare occasion. Even anime hasn't been able to escape this horrible fate. If you think I'm being dramatic, it's because I am. But, my point still stands. Fans of anime and animation are usually fans for more than just story reasons. We often like the visuals as well; especially since anime has some of the most beautiful and breathtaking visuals. We're watching anime specifically because it's anime. When you translate that into live action, you lose some of that magic. And if it isn't done well, then you lose all of that magic. You'll never find anyone who looks just like a specific character, and you'll never fully be able to capture the magic of the world. When something is created, it's created with a specific vision in mind. Live action movies are made with specific actors and sets in mind, just like how animation of any kind is made with specific colors and designs in mind. There are very few examples of live action becoming animation. So why do we feel the need to turn animation into live action? There's no point in it, and we lose so much of the magic and beauty from the original sources when we do this. Even the live action Death Note movies that were released in Japan, although loved within the community, have never been able to live up to the name and status of the original manga and anime. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I know I'm practically talking to a wall when I bring up this topic, but I feel like it still needs to be said. I see announcements for more live action anime adaptations now more than ever; and I just feel like we don't need them at all. Regardless of this, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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