Saturday, October 7, 2023

Is Scaramouche a good character? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! However! There will be some Genshin Impact spoilers in this post. So proceed with caution! Now then, let's get on with it! Scaramouche is one of the most popular characters in the game. Even before he was a playable character, fans practically begged for him to be released. But, is he a good character? Sometimes characters only get popular because people find them attractive. With Scaramouche's originally rude personality, it seemed like that was the case. He wasn't revealed to be sympathetic at all until much later in the game; long after he was introduced. Despite this, I think he is a good character. It was refreshing to see a character being mean just because he could, and his personality made him popular because he was confident and witty with a little sense of humor. Yes he was a jerk, but that wasn't all he was. I personally think he could've worked well even if he was never redeemed. It is nice to see his softer side, and his original personality still shines through really well even now. I also think it's important for a character to be able to exist on their own without knowing their backstory, and I think Scaramouche was good on his own. Even after he was changed for his playable release, he still managed to keep his popularity. Some may say he's even a little more popular now than he was before. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As always, here's a picture of Scaramouche. Enjoy!

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