Sunday, October 29, 2023

Is the Death Note manga better than the anime? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! We've all heard it before; the fans who swear the manga is better than the anime. This is a common theme with all fandoms, since hearing someone say "the book is better than the movie" is also very common. But is it really better? The answer is, no. The manga isn't really better as much as it is, more detailed. Although Death Note is a relatively short series, the anime couldn't include every single thing in it. It very faithfully adapted the manga in most parts, and you can often see panels in the manga that look exactly like the counterparts found in the anime. But, it also took a few creative liberties. The second half of the anime was very rushed, but it still accurately portrayed the new characters as well as it could. I personally love the anime. It's one of my all-time favorites, even though I didn't find it until I was a teenager. It's very exciting and interesting, and I think it did a really good job telling the story. Does that mean it's better than the manga? No. Without the manga, the anime wouldn't even exist. I personally think it's better to check out both the anime and manga. Death Note is a relatively short series, so it wouldn't take very long to catch up on the series. It's also easy to find the digital version of the manga, since it's available on Viz's official website. If you liked the anime, you'll be a fan of the manga too. And if you liked the manga, give the anime a chance. There's a reason Death Note was, and still is, one of the most popular and well-known anime series ever made. I don't think one version of it is better than the other. I think they're both equally as good, and that experiencing both versions gives you the whole story of the series. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I often see Death Note manga fans downplaying the anime, but I think the anime did a really good job telling the story like it did. But I also understand liking the manga more because it gives the characters more depth. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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