Tuesday, January 16, 2018

For today's blog post, I actually have some Mystic Messenger news. I'm not sure how long ago this news was released, so I may be a bit behind on it. Anyways, an approximate release day for the Ray (A.K.A Unknown) route has been revealed! The new route is set to be released on January 31st, and it will be included in the Another Story section. This means that after the Ray route is released, the MC can end up on either V's route or Ray's route after the first few days. However, the price for the new Ray route has yet to be set as well. I know this post is pretty short, but that's all of the information I have for it right now. Fortunately this means that all of the fans for Ray can start getting excited for his new route! After all, it's only a couple of weeks away!

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