Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Today I will be talking about mainstream Anime. Now most of you probably already know what mainstream Anime is, but I'm going to explain what it is anyways. Anyways, on with the post! Mainstream Anime is simply very popular and well-known Anime, such as Naruto Shippuden and Dragon Ball. They're also usually the first Anime you hear about or find when you start watching Anime. Now some people might say that mainstream Anime is overrated just because of how popular an Anime is. To be fair, that's their choice and their opinion. However, I don't think a person should judge an Anime solely on how popular it is. I have personally found many Anime titles that I like through their popularity. But I think I'm getting a bit off topic now. I just wanted to include that. So anyways, a mainstream Anime is really just a really popular Anime that is more frequently heard about, and there's also usually a lot of merchandise for it as well. Other than that, it's basically just regular Anime, it's just more popular.

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