Wednesday, January 3, 2018

It's blog post time again! For today's blog post, I will be talking about why I think there are no Dark type Gyms in Pokémon. Now, I never really noticed that there aren't any Dark type gyms until I started looking more into the Pokémon fandom. After I was watching some Pokémon videos, I heard quite a few people mention it. Upon further research, I realized they were right! So why aren't there any Dark type gyms? Well, here are my thoughts on it. I think it's because a gym often reflects the town they are in. Since the people of the town usually look up to gyms and gym leaders, it wouldn't be a good influence on the town to have a Dark type gym. This is also most likely because the Dark type is actually called the Evil type in the Japanese version. Since Pokémon is often aimed at a younger audience as well, it also wouldn't be a good influence for the player to see a successful Evil type gym in the game they are playing, or in the Anime they're watching. However, we might still get a Dark type gym in the future, but it's hard to say if we will ever get one. Well, those are my thoughts on it. If any of you guys would like to add anything, feel free to leave your comments down below!

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