Thursday, January 4, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about the Vocaloid band called Ice Mountain. I know I have done a blog post about this Vocaloid band before, but today I will be talking about its popularity. Now why isn't Ice Mountain very popular? I honestly expected it to be much more popular when I found out about it, especially since all of the members of the band have personalities and backstories. However, I think they're not as popular because only Hiyama Kiyoteru, the singer, has a voice. But, I still believe Ice Mountain should have more popularity because there aren't very many other Vocaloids that have actual personalities and such. Unfortunately, when songs are made using Kiyoteru, he is the only who appears in the videos instead of the whole band. There aren't very many English subbed songs (or songs in general) for the band as a whole either. I am actually quite fond of Ice Mountain myself, and I am disappointed that there isn't very much attention given to them. I hope in the future they get more attention, but unfortunately it doesn't seem like that will happen anytime soon.

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