Friday, January 5, 2018

Today's blog post will be about Pokémon types. It's actual very useful to know the different types for Pokémon, since the types effect how strong or weak an attack will be on another Pokémon. So, I will be making a chart of the different Pokémon types here, along with their strengths and weaknesses. Let's get started!

Type:                                Strong Against:                      Weak Against:

Dark                                  Ghost, Psychic                       Bug, Fairy, Fighting

Psychic                              Fighting, Poison                    Dark, Bug, Ghost

Ground                              Electric, Poison, Rock,          Ice, Water, Grass
                                           Fire, Steel                                                                    

Flying                               Bug, Fighting, Grass               Ice, Electric, Rock

Rock                                Ice, Bug, Fire, Flying               Ground, Fighting,
                                                                                           Water, Grass,

Electric                            Flying, Water                             Ground

Normal                             None                                          Fighting

Bug                                  Psychic, Grass, Dark                   Flying, Rock, Fire

Water                               Ground, Rock, Fire                     Grass, Electric

Fire                                  Grass, Bug, Ice, Steel                 Water, Ground,

Ice                                    Flying, Grass, Ground,                Fighting, Rock,
                                         Dragon                                         Steel, Fire

Poison                              Grass, Fairy                                Ground, Psychic

Fairy                                 Fighting, Dark, Dragon              Steel, Poison

Ghost                                Psychic, Ghost                           Dark, Ghost

Fighting                            Ice, Rock, Steel, Normal,            Flying, Psychic,
                                          Dark                                            Fairy

Dragon                              Dragon                                         Dragon, Ice,

Grass                                Ground, Water, Rock                   Bug, Flying,
                                                                                               Poison, Ice, Fire

Steel                                  Rock, Ice, Fairy, Dragon             Ground, Fighting,

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