Thursday, January 18, 2018

Today's blog post will be about the headbands from Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, and most recently Boruto. Now if you watch the show or read the manga, you probably already know what the headbands are for. But if you don't, that's what this post is for. To start with, a headband will be given to a ninja once they finish their training and have made it to at least the genin class. The headband is to show that the person is now a ninja. Furthermore, each headband will also have a symbol on it to represent which village the ninja is from. This is so other villages or people who requested assistance from a ninja know which village they are from. Although the headband is usually worn on the ninja's forehead, it can be worn in different ways as long as it is still visible. This can be seen with characters such as Sakura who wears it as a headband for her hair, and Shikamaru who wears it on his arm. On the other hand, the symbol on the headband can also be crossed out to show that a ninja has deflected from their village. This can be seen with the Akatsuki, where each member that wears a ninja headband has the symbol for their village crossed out.

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