Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Although Pokémon Sun And Moon is currently the newest Anime series in the franchise, the art style used in it was not very well received when it was initially released. But why is this? Well, I personally believe it was because this art style is very different from the original one. Along with this, the original art style for the Pokémon Anime was used for a very long time. So, fans were surprised by this sudden unexpected change. I myself was also caught off-guard by the art style used in Pokémon Sun And Moon. Although I don't mind it as much now, I personally did not like the new art style used for it. Unlike it's normal appearance, Pokémon Sun And Moon had a goofier and more cartoon-like feel to it. But, it seems like this art style was temporary, since the newest Pokémon movie, I Choose You, presented yet another new art style. It's hard to say if either of these art styles will be used in the upcoming Pokémon movie though, since there currently isn't very much known about it. But, this is mostly just my opinion on it anyways. I will be including two pictures down below to show the art styles used in Sun And Moon and I Choose You below as well. Enjoy!

Ash and Pikachu from Sun And Moon
Ash and Pikachu from I Choose You

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