Saturday, May 12, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about bungeoppang and taiyaki. Although these two foods are quite similar, they're also different from each other as well. The first major difference is their countries of origin. Taiyaki is from Japan, where as bungeoppang is from Korea. However, bungeoppang was originally inspired by taiyaki. But, another difference is what fish these baked goods are based on. Unlike the carp-shaped bungeoppang, taiyaki is shaped like a sea bream. Aside from this, their main similarity is what is inside of them. Both of them are originally filled with red bean paste. However, some people fill them with different things such as chocolate or custard. Although I have not been able to try either of these pastries for myself, I must admit they both sound equally delicious. As a little bonus, I will be including pictures of bungeoppang and taiyaki down below so you guys can see what they both look like. Enjoy!


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