Sunday, May 13, 2018

Before I talk about today's blog post, I would like to mention why I did my blog post about bungeoppang and taiyaki yesterday. It's actually because bungeoppang is mentioned a few times in Mystic Messenger, and taiyaki has been mentioned in a few different Anime series I've seen. So, I thought it would be a good idea to mention them on here. Now that that's out of the way, on with today's post! Today's blog post will be about Plusle and Minun from Pokémon. These two cute little Pokémon are very similar. So, I decided to put them both in one post. Plusle and Minun are both electric-type Pokémon, and they are known as the cheering Pokémon. Both of these Pokémon act as cheerleaders for their partners. Although both of them seem to be able to make pom-poms out of their sparks, Minun usually seems to give off sparks while it's cheering instead. Both Plusle and Minun can also short their bodies out. But although Minun usually does it to create more sparks, Plusle usually does it to make crackling noises. Plusle can also let off sparks while it is cheering, but it will cry loudly if its partner loses. However, if a Minun sees its partner in trouble, it will let off more and more sparks. There are many more things I could add about these two Pokémon, but I don't want to make this post too long. So, I'll end it here. As a bonus, I will include a picture of Plusle and Minun below. Enjoy!

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