Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Would Naruto still be a jinchuriki if his parents were still alive? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! But before I continue, there will be some spoilers for the series in this post. So, proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! In the original Naruto series, it was stated that Naruto is a jinchuriki. Because of this, a lot of the people in the Hidden Leaf Village didn't trust him. He was often judged because of it as well, and the simple fact that he was a jinchuriki made his life very hard. But, it was later revealed that Naruto's mother, Kushina, was originally the nine-tails jinchuriki before it was sealed in Naruto. Therefor, Naruto wouldn't have been a jinchuriki if his parents were still alive. Instead, Naruto's mother would still be the nine-tails jinchuriki. However, it's hard to say what Naruto would be like if this actually did happen. He would most likely have had a much better life, but he would most likely still be quite rebellious. But, it's hard to say what he would actually be like if he wasn't a jinchuriki and if his parents were still alive, since he unfortunately didn't have that life. This is mostly just my thoughts on it though. But, I hope you guys still enjoy this post!

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