Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Today's blog post is an interesting one, to say the least. For this post, I'll be talking about some penguins who cosplay. That's right, cosplaying penguins! In Matsue Vogel Park in Japan, some penguins cosplay as Neon Genesis Evangelion characters! Twice daily, these penguins walk around the park in their hand-crafted costumes that were made by their handlers. The costumes were also designed to not impair the penguins' movements too. These events are part of a promotional campaign between the Matsue Vogel Park and Neon Genesis Evangelion, and it goes until July 9th, 2018. I personally think this is a very cute and creative idea. Even though it'll be inaccessible to some people because it's in Japan, it's still fun to see the pictures of the penguins in their costumes! Since I found out about this through a Crunchyroll article, I'll be linking it down below so you guys can check it out. I'll also be including one of the pictures of the penguins from the article below as well. Enjoy!

The link for the article:

The penguins in their costumes.

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