Wednesday, May 16, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about LOLOL from Mystic Messenger. Although LOLOL doesn't play a very big role in Mystic Messenger, it is still mentioned quite frequently throughout the game. This is because LOLOL is Yoosung's favorite game. The name stands for League Of Loneliness Of Life. Its name is actually a parody of the real game League Of Legends, which is abbreviated as LOL. LOLOL is also an MMORPG. Since LOLOL is Yoosung's favorite game, he mentions it quite a bit. He also plays it a lot as well. However, he's not the only one in the RFA who plays it. Seven will occasionally play it too under the name Hacker God. But, he says he gets bored with it easily. On the other hand, Yoosung spends almost all of his free time playing LOLOL. Yoosung's guild in particular is named Blood Dragon. This name was actually suggested by the MC in one of the emails sent to Yoosung's guild leader. As you guys may have noticed, there aren't very many details about the actual game in this post. This is because despite LOLOL being mentioned multiple times throughout Mystic Messenger, not very many details about it are given. However, I will be including a picture of Yoosung's LOLOL avatar down below. Enjoy!

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