Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The blog post for today will be about the Chattoon section and the Ask Me Anything section on the official Mystic Messenger website. Firstly, the Chattoon section has five Chattoons in it. What are Chattoons? Well, these Chattoons are little side stories done in the same style as the in-game chatroom. However, these chats are a little different. Unlike the game, these chats have little cutscenes in the form of pictures. They obviously don't have the MC in them, and they're not directly related to the game either. Secondly, the Ask Me Anything section is just that. There are six parts in it, and the questions are answered by the characters from Mystic Messenger. Of course these are questions that have already been asked though. But, I think it's fun to see how the characters reply to them. Plus, the characters are in the chibi art style too. This part is just for fun as well. If any of you guys would like to check these sections of the official Mystic Messenger website out, I will include the link for both of them below. Enjoy!

The link for the Chattoon section: http://msg.cheritz.com/chattoon

The link for the Ask Me Anything section: http://msg.cheritz.com/ask

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