Monday, May 21, 2018

Why aren't some fan-made Vocaloids as popular as the others? After I started reading about fan-made Vocaloids, I found a couple that I really liked. But then I found out later they didn't have very many songs because they weren't very popular. So, why is this? Well, I think it partly has to do with publicity. The more popular fan-made Vocaloids are generally more well-known, and they are talked about more often. Because of this, there are a lot of people who know about them. Even if there are some people who dislike them, there are still a lot of people who support them. Another attributing factor to a fan-made Vocaloid's failure is their creator giving up on them. I have found quite a few fan-made Vocaloids now that had great potential but were forgotten because no more content was made for them. Although other people could pick up the fan-made Vocaloid themself, the chance of this happening is lessened greatly if they were forgotten early on. The creator may get upset if someone continues their work as well. I honestly think it's rather unfair if a fan-made Vocaloid is forgotten or given up on because it lowers the chance of someone possibly finding their new favorite fan-made Vocaloid. There are a couple fan-made Vocaloids in particular that I really like that have been forgotten or given up on. Although there are a lot more than just two that have suffered this fate, I will be including a couple of links to a song sung by Hairaito Shion and a song sung by Seito Shion below, since these two are a couple of my favorite ones that have been forgotten. Enjoy!

The link for Seito's song:

The link for Hairaito's song:

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