Monday, April 3, 2023

Is Idia Shroud really a human in Twisted Wonderland? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Although Idia is said to be a human, it's really unclear whether he truly is or not. His unnatural traits make it difficult to say this is the case. His blue hair and yellow eyes aren't out of the ordinary, since other characters also have slightly unnatural hair and eye colors. As a fellow marshmallow myself, I think it's also safe to say his skin tone is fine. However, I haven't seen many humans with flaming hair and sharp fang-like teeth. There are other non-human students at Night Raven College as well, so there's no real reason why he should hide it if he isn't human. Diasomnia, Octavinelle, and Savanaclaw have clearly non-human students, and no one thinks it's odd when they see how they look. Which means it's normal to see non-human and human students at Night Raven College. It's clear Idia isn't a normal human by any means, but then that presents the question of what he is if not human. Not much is known about his homeland, so he could really be anything. Since he himself is based on Hades from Hercules, he could be something from the underworld. It's safe to say he isn't a ghost or spirit of some kind, but that doesn't rule very much out. All in all, I suppose it doesn't really matter if he is a human. I just find it odd for him to have such obviously non-human features. But I guess that just makes him better in his own way. Regardless, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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