Wednesday, April 26, 2023

What time is it? Post time! Part of the fun of being a fan of just about anything is collecting the fun merchandise from it. But when it comes to Twisted Wonderland, it seems like there's no official merchandise. This makes no sense, especially when it comes to Disney. Disney loves profiting from popular series. So where's the merchandise? Well, there's actually a lot of Twisted Wonderland merchandise; and I mean a lot. The only problem is, it's in Japan. However, there are some Japanese websites that ship from Japan to other places. You can also buy official merchandise from other fans, but then the companies wouldn't be getting any of the money, which would mean they'd stop making merchandise for it. As of now it's been difficult finding official retailers when it comes to Twisted Wonderland, but there is a lot of merchandise if you know where to look. Hopefully we'll get an official store in other places as well, since it has been gaining quite a lot of popularity recently. But, that's all I have for now! Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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