Saturday, April 1, 2023

What time is it? Post time! Today's blog post will be about my favorite anime, Alice In Wonderland. Alice In Wonderland is a Disney animated film from 1951 that follows the adventures of Alice; a young girl who dreams of a world without rules. In the middle of a daydream, she spots a white rabbit wearing a coat. She follows this peculiar bunny to the wonderous dream of Wonderland, where she finds that her dreams aren't as wonderful as they seem. If you haven't noticed yet, this isn't actually an anime. But it is, April Fool's Day! Got you! Probably not though, since I do a joke post every year. This year's subject is actually one of my favorite movies, so I figured I'd mention it today. Alice herself kind of drives me crazy, since she asked for Wonderland and then hated it. But I adore the concept of Wonderland itself. It's goofy, it's crazy, it makes no sense; it's upside down and inside out and all topsy turvy. If you look hard enough, you might find the right rules; but in the meantime you'll look like fools. It's really fantastic. So, I'll be including a couple pictures from it below. Enjoy! Happy April Fool's Day! And a very merry unbirthday! Unless it is your birthday! Then read this tomorrow instead!

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