Saturday, December 9, 2023

How big are the birds in Hatoful Boyfriend? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Hatoful Boyfriend is the dating sim known affectionately as the "pigeon dating sim" because you can date various birds in the games. Most of the birds you meet also have human versions so you can see what they'd look like, but they're still birds. The only problem is, they seem to be too big to be normal birds. Obviously they can talk, so they aren't normal birds. But it is implied that they're just normal birds who have learned to talk and do other things that were once exclusive to humans. So how big are they? No one really knows. It's a common belief within the fandom that they aren't human-sized, but they are bigger than average birds. However, I think they may actually be close to human-sized. This is because of the main character. Despite being a teenage human girl, the main character isn't too big at all. She goes to an all-bird school. So if birds really were much smaller than humans still, she would struggle to fit into everything. But she doesn't. In fact, the backgrounds in the game imply that everything is relatively human-sized. The main character doesn't tower over anything. You may argue that she's a teenager, but then I'll argue that she's 15; meaning she's close to fully grown. Even if she's a little bigger than her classmates, she isn't bigger than all of them. With the perspective, it's implied that at least Yuuya is close to her height. Even if she's a little short, she wouldn't be too short. She's said to be a healthy and strong girl, so she may even be a little big for her age. Because of this, I think it's safe to say that the birdies of Hatoful Boyfriend are close to human-sized. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I don't know if this will ever be confirmed one way or another. Whenever the birds are illustrated with their human counterparts, they're shown to be very small and bird-sized; so I'm probably wrong. Still, it's fun to think of the possibility of really big birds. As always, here's a picture of human Nageki with his birdie counterpart so you all can see for yourselves. Enjoy!

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