Thursday, December 28, 2023

It's post time! Today's blog post will be about the orphan problem in anime. There isn't anything wrong with orphans, but there are a lot of orphans when it comes to anime. Usually it's used as a way of giving a character a tragic backstory without having to put too much work into it. It's also often used as a way to make a character seem more isolated or alone, too. This trope is seen in shonen anime, but it's in some shoujo series as well. Normally only the protagonist is an orphan. But, in other series a few of the characters are. This isn't as common, but it's seen in shows like Death Note and The Promised Neverland. I don't usually have any problems with this, but after a while it gets kind of repetitive. Sometimes it's more surprising if a shonen protagonist isn't an orphan. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, since it isn't like a character can stop themself from being an orphan. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I just wanted to talk about this because I find it kind of strange how many characters are orphans with no family members whatsoever. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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