Friday, December 29, 2023

It's time to post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Kazuaki Nanaki from Hatoful Boyfriend. But first, there will be massive spoilers for Hatoful Boyfriend in this post, so proceed with caution! Now then, let's get on with it! Kazuaki Nanaki is a character I have very mixed feelings for. On one hand, he's a very kind and caring person; even if he can be a bit absent-minded at times. But on the other hand, he's an imposter. The only reason he is who he is, is because he killed the real Kazuaki and stole his identity. Despite this, you can't even really hate him for it because most of the time he doesn't even remember doing it. This is a strange situation, because it's hard to dislike anyone for it. Of course you could dislike Hitori, since he's the one who did it. But as Kazuaki, he doesn't really remember it. In the mirror timeline, Hitori is shown to be a very kind and nurturing person, so it's difficult to dislike him as well. It's also difficult to like him though, since Kazuaki-kun was just a normal guy who was down on his luck, and his only friend betrayed him when he needed him most. As much as I like Kazuaki-kun, I actually really dislike this twist. Kazuaki Nanaki was one of my favorite characters until I found out what he had done, and now it's difficult to look at him and not think of the fact that he killed someone only so he could steal his identity. Especially since he could have easily just made up a different identity of his own that didn't require him to kill someone for it. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Imposter Kazuaki is actually a pretty strange situation because it causes a lot of confusion, and it creates a character you're supposed to dislike but still can't really dislike. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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