Sunday, December 3, 2023

It's post time! Today's blog post will be about my least favorite Genshin Impact quest. But first, there will be spoilers! So proceed with caution. Now then, on with it! My least favorite quest in Genshin Impact is Interlude: Inversion Of Genesis. Now, those who have completed this  know it as "the quest where you name Scaramouche". Personally, I know it as "none of this even had to happen". This entire quest was dedicated to not only a plotline that didn't need to happen, but also treating Scaramouche like trash and making him relive his most painful memories. The entire quest could have been avoided if someone had gotten involved, but they didn't. Instead, they spent the whole time telling Scaramouche what a failure he was. Even after learning about his painful past and seeing why he did what he did, everyone still basically said "yeah, but you're still a jerk". I don't often forgive characters who have done a lot of bad things, but Scaramouche is an exception. He was essentially just a child when things started going downhill for him, and things didn't get any better even when he tried to still be good. He was hurt, bitter, and angry. And no one tried to help him. Instead, they just looked on in horror, or even encouraged it. No one ever taught him right from wrong. And by the time he learned, it was too late. He couldn't change what he had already done. When given the chance to correct his mistakes, he was willing to sacrifice himself and leave nothing behind. And still, no one stopped him. Ultimately his sacrifice was for nothing, and those who knew him still call him evil. It isn't right, or fair. Instead of helping him, they just put him through even more torment. Now, all of Teyvat has forgotten him; which was ultimately for nothing. This quest is so awful. There's almost nothing worse than seeing a damaged character who has been hurt and tortured for years be further hurt. Not only that, but now he can never truly apologize for anything he has done. So when he was finally able to face his past mistakes, he couldn't do anything to help those he had hurt. That's why I don't like this quest. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. As always, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post.

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