Monday, December 4, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about one of my favorite overlooked Pokemon games. The Pokemon series has had a lot of games outside of the main ones, and one of those games was Hey You Pikachu. Hey You Pikachu was made for the Nintendo 64, and it came out in 1998. It's a very cute and charming little game that used a special microphone that lets you speak to your Pikachu. However, it can be very frustrating. The game follows your Pikachu as it goes about its daily life. While you watch your adorable little Pikachu wander around, you can talk to it and give it commands through a microphone; then you can watch Pikachu ignore you. The mini games available are pretty fun, and this game was very impressive when I was young. As frustrating as the voice commands can be, the game can actually be pretty fun too. It isn't perfect, but it's still pretty charming in a retro way. I recommend checking it out if you ever have the opportunity; as long as you don't mind being ignored by a Pikachu repeatedly while you're desperately trying to just get it to come over to you. As always, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

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