Friday, December 8, 2023

What time is it? Post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Wapeach again. It's been a few days since the original concept art for Wapeach was revealed, so I wanted to revisit the character and give a little update. Firstly, why was this character turned down to begin with? Well, the answer is quite simple. The design for Wapeach was rejected because she looked too much like a different character named Doronjo. Even though she doesn't look very much like her at all, Waluigi was already based on one of Doronjo's sidekicks, so the similarities were too close. As for what Mario fans think of this small Wapeach menace, they actually love her! Many fans have already fallen in love with her design, and a lot of them are very upset she hasn't been included in any games. Some fans have already started making fanart and other content of her, as well. This design has been going over incredibly well, and fans are looking forward to the possibility of seeing her officially some day. Unfortunately, the original Instagram posts have been taken down now. But we still managed to get a lot of information about her before that happened. Hopefully her massive popularity means we'll someday see her added into an official Mario game. But for now, here's a picture of her 3D model. Enjoy!

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