Tuesday, December 12, 2023

New day, new post! Fans of Hatoful Boyfriend may have seen the issue of Hato Moa not receiving royalties for any of the Hatoful Boyfriend games recently. Even if the games aren't as popular as they once were, they are still being sold; so the lack of royalties is a big problem. However, this problem has been resolved! Hato Moa recently posted on Twitter that the issues with the royalties has been fixed. She has been paid the back royalties, and she'll be paid for any further sales as well. This is wonderful news that all fans of Hatoful Boyfriend are happy to hear. I'm also quite relieved that the issue has been sorted out, since it really sucks for any artist to lose money they worked hard for. As always, I'll be including the link to the official Twitter announcement below. Enjoy!

The link to the Twitter announcement: https://twitter.com/moa810/status/1734388494406189344

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