Saturday, December 30, 2023

Why does Kazuaki Nanaki act the way he does in Hatoful Boyfriend? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! But first! There will be some massive spoilers in this post. So proceed with caution! This question may seem pretty silly. After all, why does anyone act the way they do? But Kazuaki Nanaki is different. He's actually Hitori Uzune. However, he doesn't act like Hitori very much at all. You would think this means he acts like the real Kazuaki, but this isn't true either. The real Kazuaki is shown to be emotionally fragile and kind of whiny, and Hitori is shown to be very kind, nurturing, and brotherly. But Hitori as Kazuaki acts very tired and absent-minded. This isn't just a mix of the two personalities, either. It's almost a new personality altogether. In which case, it makes even less sense for him to have ever killed someone for their identity. If he was going to become someone else anyways, he could have easily just made up a new identity. Personally I would have liked his character more if he had just made up a new identity. I think adding in the fact that he killed someone for his plan kind of ruins him for a couple reasons. It doesn't really make sense for Hitori's character, and he acts like someone else anyways. His personality doesn't match Hitori's personality or Kazuaki-kun's personality. He's likely a bit more tired and absent-minded because of all of the stress he's been through, but he also might be a bit more laid-back because he doesn't remember very much most of the time. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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