Friday, December 15, 2023

It's time for another list! That's right, you can't escape these lists! Well, you can. By not reading this post. But, I would be sad if you skipped this post. So please don't. For today's blog post, I will be listing five Disney sidekicks that I think should have been in Twisted Wonderland. I'll also be giving my thoughts on each one, as well. There are quite a few characters in Twisted Wonderland, but there are still some that didn't make the cut. So, I wanted to list some of them today. Now then, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Pain and Panic from Hercules - I know a lot of fans are upset about this one; myself included. This one was a huge missed opportunity. They didn't even have to be Idia's friends! They could have just been two students who secretly idolized him for some reason.

2.) Iago from Aladdin - Another missed opportunity. I would've loved to see a snarky little first year student who worshipped Jamil.

3.) Anastasia and Drizella from Cinderella - I know Cinderella didn't get a dorm, but I'm still kind of upset these two weren't included in some way.

4.) LeFou from Beauty And The Beast - I'm just saying, Coach Vargas could have had an assistant. And it would have been great.

5.) The Hyenas from The Lion King - Yes, Ruggie is a hyena. But he's only one. Where are the other two? Where are they? This is unfair treatment.

That's all I have for now. I'm sure there are more that I've missed, but I didn't want to make this list too long. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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