Tuesday, January 31, 2023

It's time for yet another new blog post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about one of the most tragic characters in Death Note. There's some major spoilers ahead, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! In a series like this, it's usually easy to pick out a tragic character. Some people pick L or Light, but I personally believe Sachiko Yagami is the one who suffers the most. Sachiko is Light's mother, and she went through a lot. She spent years worrying for her husband during the Kira case, she took care of her family mostly alone while her husband was at work, and in the end she suffered alone. Her daughter was never the same after the trauma she endured, she lost her husband in the line of duty, and she even lost her son; leaving only her and her broken daughter. This is all because her son, who she loved and raised, wanted to play god. His complete disregard for human life caused his whole family to suffer, and he didn't care at all that his mother was left alone in the end. Light acts like his family is the only thing he really loves, but at the end it's hard to say if he's ever loved anything at all. Leaving his own mother sad, defeated, and alone; all because he wanted to live out his pathetic fantasies. It really is quite tragic. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I know some people may disagree with me, but I truly believe Light's mother was one of the most tragic characters in the series. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post.

Monday, January 30, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about boba tea. Boba tea, or bubble tea, is an amazingly popular drink. As the name suggests, it's a type of tea that looks like it has bubbles. Along with this, it's most commonly milk tea. The "bubbles" are little tapioca pearls that sink to the bottom of the cup. Although it is not Japanese, it has become wildly popular in the anime community. Its look is considered very cute, and it is often used with cute and chibi characters. Boba tea has become so popular that you can find it in many places. For example, Google has a google doodle that lets you make boba tea. It's a very relaxing game, and I like it so much that I considered making it the subject of today's blog post. It's very similar to Animal Crossing in the look and feel of it. However, since boba tea as a whole has become a very popular addition to the anime community, I decided to just talk about the drink itself to keep this anime-related. To further cement how popular this drink has become, Kamisato Ayato drinks boba tea in his idle animations in Genshin Impact. As a bonus, I will be including a picture of Ayato drinking his boba below. I hope you all liked this blog post! Enjoy!

Sunday, January 29, 2023

What time is it? Time for another new post! For today's blog post, I will be listing five things about L that no one knows about. These facts have all been officially confirmed, but for some odd reason no one knows about them. I'll even be including where to find the information for yourselves so you all know I'm not just making it up. I've seen many people get these facts wrong in the past, so it's just something I wanted to talk about. Who knows, some of you may know these things already. So, let's get on with it!

1.) L is actually very clean. Many people see him as dirty and scruffy, but this just isn't true. He bathes very often with a human washing machine made by Watari himself. (As stated in the L-centered Death Note One Shot One Day)

2.) Going along with the previous fact, L's strange way of holding things is because he has a germ issue. Takeshi Obata thought of him as a clean-freak, so he holds everything as if it were dirty. (Death Note 13: How To Read; page 118)

3) L isn't just Japanese. He's also English, Russian, and French or Italian. (Death Note 13: How To Read; page 59)

4.) L was a nameless orphan who was picked up at a young age by Watari, who took him in to live with the other children in his orphanage. (This is from the L-centered One Shot The Wammy's House)

5.) L's kick wasn't originally supposed to be based on anything. The creators just thought he would kick oddly, and tried to find a way he could do it with handcuffs on. But when the fans said it looked like capoeira, the creators thought it was a nice touch. (Death Note 13: How To Read; pages 64 and118)

Firstly, I'd like to add that The Wammy's House and One Day are often listed as the same comic since they were released together and both focus on L. Secondly, there are actually a lot of little Death Note facts out there that are often unknown, ignored, or overlooked. So, I may make another one of these lists for L and the other characters in the future. In the meantime, I hope you've all enjoyed this one!

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Why isn't Boruto as popular as Naruto? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! For those of you who don't know, Boruto is the continuation of the Naruto series. It follows the children of the well-known characters instead of the original characters. However, the original characters do still make appearances in the new series. So why isn't it as popular as the original Naruto series? I suppose there are a few reasons. Firstly, the original characters are the ones fans grew up with. Now that they're grown, it's strange to see the series follow their young children instead. It feels like a total reboot of the show, even if the original characters are still there. Even if it follows the same formula and is in the same world as the original one, the main characters are still different. Not only this, but Boruto wasn't very likable as a protagonist. Naruto had a reason for being the way he was, and all in all he was still very friendly to those around him. We also grew to love and care for the original characters, so seeing them less often makes people not want to watch the new series. There are people who like the new series, and I'm sure it's good on its own. But the fact of the matter is, the original Naruto series will always be more popular. It's good to see the series still being carried on, and there are many fans who love how the series is going. I just wanted to talk about this because I noticed Naruto and Naruto Shippuden is still more popular than Boruto among the fans. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Friday, January 27, 2023

It's time to post! For today's blog post, I'll be talking about what I like to call the "long hair/short hair trope". I'm not sure if there's an actual name for this, since I don't see much of anyone ever talk about it. For those of you who don't know, it's very common to use hair to show the passage of time. It happens often in anime, and it's almost always used for the girl characters. However, it is occasionally used for boy characters as well. For example, if a character currently has long hair, they'll have short hair in flashbacks of their past. If they have short hair, then their younger self will have long hair instead. This is such a common thing that it can be found in many different series, and it's difficult not to notice it once it's pointed out. I don't see anything wrong with this, and I know it makes sense for hair to be used to show the passage of time. People often change their hair more often than anything else, and it makes it easier to show it's a flashback for fully grown characters who won't physically change very much in a flashback. I just wanted to talk about this because I find it pretty interesting. It's a bit surprising how often it's used in anime, and I don't think people usually notice it. Nevertheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Thursday, January 26, 2023

What time is it? Post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Mika from Genshin Impact. Mika is an upcoming Mondstadt character who is already hated for no reason. So, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post. It's true every new character always gets their fair share of criticism, but this level of cruelty is just uncalled for. He hasn't even be released yet. Not only this, but Mika is set to be an amazingly useful character; with him having two firsts. He'll be the first cryo catalyst user, and the first character to use three different weapons. He's also outwardly timid and anxious, which hasn't been seen in a boy character until him. But because he's different, hundreds of people have gathered on the Twitter platform (a surprise, I'm sure) to say nothing but "he's ugly" over and over again until someone finally believes them. I'm sure this is just the minority of fans doing this, but they're so loud and repetitive that it's beyond annoying. I've seen many other fans saying they're very tired of this unruly behavior, and even those who don't particularly like Mika are sick of these people constantly calling him ugly. However, it shouldn't be a surprise. Genshin Impact has gathered such a toxic community that those who live on Twitter have decided to insult and berate anyone and anything they don't agree with. Whether it be characters, Mihoyo themselves, or even other fans. They don't care. But, it isn't the game's fault. In fact, this happens with every immensely popular thing. It's unfortunate that these types of people have to ruin everything for everyone else, but it's bound to happen regardless. But, I digress. I actually think he's pretty cute. He reminds me of Chocobos and Len Kagamine. Put him with Faruzan and now you have Hatsune Miku too. These are mainly just my thoughts on this topic, as well. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Could Deidara have beaten Sasuke? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There's some pretty big spoilers if you haven't watched Naruto Shippuden, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! For those of you who somehow don't know, Deidara lost to Sasuke in the series. However, it absolutely was not a fair fight; and many fans have cried out about how unfair Sasuke's level of plot armor is. They even claim Deidara easily could've bested that small Uchiha in a fight. To be fair, most of these fans are highly biased. They, much like me, love Deidara and despise Sasuke. But, let's look at this fight without bias. Firstly, I do believe Deidara could beat Sasuke in a fair fight. There are a few reasons why I believe this. Firstly, Deidara is a long-distance fighter. This can easily give him the advantage so he isn't in the middle of the fight. If he does get snuck up on, he's been shown to be rather clever in getting away and blindsiding his opponents with small explosives. Outside of this, it's important to note that he only lost because he chose to. If Sasuke hadn't had the giant snake, he would've surely perished along with Deidara. If Deidara had not used his ultimate explosion, I'm sure Sasuke wouldn't have survived the fight. Many fans think the original creator only got rid of Deidara because he was too overpowered. Given Deidara's abilities, there's a good chance they're right. Either way, Deidara was genuinely much stronger than Sasuke. Sasuke only won because he had plot armor and because Deidara's ego made him forget common sense. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

It's post time! The blog post for today will be about Cloud Retainer's human form in Genshin Impact. For those of you who don't know, recent leaks of a human Cloud Retainer have surfaced online. None of this is official, and no one even knows if this mystery woman really is Cloud Retainer. Despite this, many people have theorized that she's not only Cloud Retainer, but she'll also be a playable character in the near future. I have personally really been looking forward to another human adeptus. Not only is it really fun to see how they look as humans, but it'll finally officially confirm that all adepti really do have both human and animal forms. However, I'm very skeptical about this leak. This whole situation has already happened once before with Shenhe, and I was unbelievably bitter over her not being Cloud Retainer. I'm sure Hoyoverse probably made them look really similar on purpose to disappoint those who found her through leaks. Alternatively, Shenhe may have formerly been Cloud Retainer until she was prematurely leaked. Either way, that whole history with Shenhe has made everyone very cautious when it comes to upcoming human adepti. Personally I think these leaks just get fans excited for things that usually aren't going to happen. Not only this, but things are leaked months in advance; which gives fans such a long time to theorize before getting their dreams absolutely crushed again. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Monday, January 23, 2023

New day, new post! Today's blog post will be about Dollmore. Dollmore is a ball-jointed doll company. Although they don't have anything specifically anime-related, ball-jointed dolls are immensely popular in the anime community. Normally I don't talk about specific companies, but this one is different. Dollmore has much larger dolls available on their website. I've seen a few people mention having an interest in the life-size dolls without knowing this company even existed. Although these dolls are still a bit short (standing at only three or four feet tall), they're much larger than any other available doll companies. However, their price absolutely reflects that; with the bigger dolls being one to two thousand dollars each. Yikes. What does this have to do with anime? Well, their hair and clothes can be easily changed; which would make it very easy to make any of these dolls look like your preferred anime characters. Although many people may find this odd, many fans love having things like this as collector items. If you prefer the smaller normally sized dolls, they have those too. There are a few downsides though. Firstly, the biggest available doll sizes are only available in female models right now. Which means if you prefer the boy models, you're out of luck. Secondly, I absolutely cannot say anything about the quality of these dolls. I've heard they're good, but I've never gotten one; so I can't say. I will not say anything either way, since I highly recommend doing your own research first and making your own decisions. Ball-jointed dolls are always expensive, so you should always look at the positives and negatives of every company yourselves. I just wanted to talk about this because I found them very cool and fascinating. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Sunday, January 22, 2023

3, 2, 1, post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about human-like Pokemon. Many fans have issues with human-like Pokemon in particular, even though they usually call them bipedal Pokemon. I don't have very much of an issue with human-like Pokemon, since they've always existed. I do, however, have a problem with highly gendered Pokemon. It's already pretty strange that there are such human-like Pokemon, but do they have to be so buff or curvy? If they really do need to be made this way, why can't they have alternate versions too? If a Pokemon has to be really feminine or masculine, they could at least have two versions. Why can't we have a boy Lopunny, or a girl Incineroar? Meowscarada may be one of the first more neutral Pokemon, but so many people still just say it's a boy. The official Pokemon lore has said Pokemon and humans are highly similar in the Pokemon world, so it makes sense that some Pokemon are more human-like than others. But if they really must lean so far into the gender stereotypes for some of them, I don't see why those Pokemon can't be part of a pair. Not only would it give fans the choice of which version they prefer, but it would be so much easier than just creating another Pokemon. I know this isn't really the problem most people have with human-like Pokemon, but I think it would probably help; if only a little. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Saturday, January 21, 2023

It's time to post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Pawmi's evolution line in Pokemon. For those of you who don't know, Pawmi actually has a pretty disappointing evolutionary line. This may be one of the first, and possibly only, times where a Pokemon evolves by simply standing up. Not only this, but its final evolution isn't much different either. This is good for people who liked Pawmi as it is, since it just gets bigger. But it's very surprising for a Pokemon. This does save it from getting an unwanted evolution, but it's also pretty disappointing. Many people avoided all of the leaks so they could see every Pokemon's evolution for themselves, only to see Pawmi simply stand up. Then, in a cruel twist, its third evolution disappointed fans again by just being taller and fluffier than it was. These may be normal differences for a growing animal, but Pokemon are different from animals. They don't grow, they evolve. I'm not saying this makes it a bad Pokemon, since it's still pretty adorable. If people like it, that's great. It's just incredibly surprising, and unusual for a Pokemon. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Friday, January 20, 2023

It's time for yet another new blog post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about why I dislike Sasuke Uchiha from the Naruto series. There will be some spoilers though, so proceed with caution. Now then, let's get on with it! This is probably a highly unpopular opinion, since so many people just love this horrible person. Even if you don't follow the series, he's one of the characters that can easily be found on almost any merchandise for the series. But honestly, I don't see the appeal. He's rude, mean, and filled with hatred. He betrays anyone and anything he wants just to fulfill his own goals, and he doesn't care about collateral damage at all. Now you may say his past excuses his actions, but you'd be wrong. Not only was most of it a huge misunderstanding, but he didn't even try to understand his brother. The same brother who would move heaven and earth for him even after all of his mistakes. His relationship with Sakura is hugely undeserved, which is saying something considering she can be a huge jerk too. Sasuke Uchiha didn't deserve his happy ending, and Itachi was better. He also caused Deidara's death, which is a huge nail in his coffin for me because I love Deidara. But even without that, I still highly dislike Sasuke as a character. But, that's just my opinion. I'm sure almost everyone will disagree with me, and that's okay. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Thursday, January 19, 2023

It's time for another list! For today's blog post, I will be listing ten Naruto Shippuden characters I like. They won't be in any particular order, and these will obviously be based solely on my opinions. Ten characters are quite a bit, so I won't be including pictures today. Now then, let's gets on with it! Enjoy!


1.) Gaara

2.) Deidara

3.) Suigetsu Hozuki

4.) Orochimaru

5.) Sasori

6.) Kakashi Hatake

7.) Sai

8.) Hidan

9.) Itachi Uchiha

10.) Kabuto Yakushi

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

What time is it? Post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the unfair treatment of Near within the Death Note fandom. But first, here's a mandatory spoiler warning! Because there will be a few spoilers. Now then, let's get on with it! I have mentioned once or twice before how fans treat Near poorly because of his association with L, but I actually wanted to focus on it this time. It would be a lie to say no one likes him, since every character in every series will always have their fans. However, I never really realized just how much he's been neglected because I too have always liked L more. But in my research, I always find everyone complaining about Near and how useless he is. The official and fan-made merchandise for him is nearly nonexistent, and you'd never think he came from a franchise as popular as Death Note. Not only this, but hardly anyone even acknowledges the fact that he's still working as a detective and has been shown to be quite capable on his own. The newest one shot may not have focused on him, but it's impressive to see that he's still working on these tasks far into his adulthood. He was chosen for a reason, and that reason is his amazing intelligence. People also complain that he just used L's work to catch Kira. But, that's what all good detectives do. Why would anyone start from scratch when there's already so much information to help? L chose him as his successor, so he was quite literally raised to be L's replacement. Technically Near and Mello were chosen, but Near is the one who survived. Whether you like him or not doesn't really matter. since everyone is entitled to their own preferences and opinions. I just get tired of seeing people get angry with Near for not only just doing his job, but also literally existing. Love him or hate him, it's nice to see someone so capable continuing L's legacy even in newer additions to the series. He's a familiar face, and a capable detective. Those are mostly just my thoughts, though. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

It's time for a list! For today's blog post, I will be listing five ridiculous Pokemon, along with a reason for each choice. I will also be including a picture of each one. The official Pokemon website has updated the Pokedex, which means all of the newest Pokemon are finally on display! So, I've decided to list some of the sillier ones on here. Now then, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Palafin - This one is not only just a dolphin, but the zero form isn't even different from its first evolution.

2.) Flamigo - It's a flamingo! But with a twist. Literally, it has a knot in its neck.

3.) Dudunsparce - Now presenting, Dunsparce! But bigger!

4.) Clodsire - Okay, I just thought this one looked pretty cute and derpy.

5.) Tatsugiri - I know it's supposed to look like sushi, I do. But I really can't take it seriously when it looks like this.

Monday, January 16, 2023

It's time for another new post! Since I seem to be on a Death Note marathon right now, I decided to talk about the genius of Death Note's intro and outro themes. Death Note has arguably one of the best soundtracks in anime. Every song fits both the dramatic scenes, as well as the more lighthearted and laid-back scenes. So obviously it would also have some of the best themes. The first intro theme is the first thing that introduces viewers to the series, and it does an amazing job doing so. The images that play with it don't give too many things away, while still showing off what is to come. The song really fits the dramatic themes of the series, as well. The ending theme is also a good way to wind down after the episodes while still showing the serious tone of the show. The secondary themes, however, are much different. The second intro is immensely chaotic, and it shows how insane the show is becoming. The stakes are higher, and each plan is becoming more desperate and convoluted than the last. It also doesn't really show off what will come at all, which just makes every twist and turn more surprising. Even when it adds new characters, they can easily be missed with the amount of things happening. The ending theme is much different than the first one, too. It isn't somber at all, and it's also faster than the first. This shows off just how fast-paced the show is getting, and how different it will be from then on. Others may also pick apart the different symbolisms and such hidden within the animations that play with the songs, but they could do it much better than I; so I'll leave that to them. I just wanted to talk about how amazing the music is in this series, since I really think they nailed it with this one. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Sunday, January 15, 2023

It's time to post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the problem with Death Note. There will be some spoilers though, so proceed with caution! Now then, let's get on with it! As many people may know, Death Note is one of the most popular series out there. It still has many fans, even years after its release. However, it does have one major problem. That is, the way it uses its characters. Death Note has many amazing characters, but they're all expendable. Each character is only used as a way to move the plot forward, and a way to raise the stakes. Every character can be thrown out or replaced, no matter how important they may seem. Even the creators themselves didn't like killing off some of the characters, which really shows how much of a problem this was. This can especially be seen with L. He was, and still is, an insanely popular character; and he was also the second main character. After he was gone, multiple new characters were added to pick up the slack. Those characters were then also thrown aside, making it feel like they shouldn't have even been included. Don't get me wrong, I love Near, Matt, and Mello. But they were unfairly treated just like the other characters. Even years later, Near is still living in L's shadow because fans just don't like him as much. That's the problem. Death Note is a great series, and it has some outstanding characters. However, this just makes the fans bitter and angry when things happen to those characters; which is not something you want in a series about murder. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I just wanted to talk about this because there are so many characters who were unfairly tossed aside or mistreated in this series. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Saturday, January 14, 2023

This is my 2,319th post! What's so special about such a random number? Well, it's actually a Monsters Inc. reference. For those of you who don't know, Monsters Inc. is a Pixar movie. In it, they use the code 2319. Now you may ask, "How is this anime related at all?". The answer is, it isn't! But I'll only get this chance once. So to keep it anime-related, I'll be giving four monsters a Pokemon type. The types will be based on the monsters themselves, and I'll be giving a small reason for each choice. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) James P. Sullivan (Sully) - Normal/Fighting type - The fighting typing is because he's big and strong, and the normal type is to show he's just a normal guy.

2.) Mike Wazowski - Normal type - Mike Wazowski

3.) Randall - Dark/Psychic type - The dark typing is obvious, and the psychic typing is because he can turn invisible.

4.) Henry J. Waternnoose - Dark/Bug type - He's a mean spider.

Friday, January 13, 2023

What time is it? Post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about why I prefer Near's long hair in Death Note. Since yesterday I talked about why his long hair made sense for his character, I figured I'd talk about this today. As I mentioned in my last post, Near now has long hair. I actually prefer his long hair over his short hair for a few reasons. Firstly, it helps him stand out. Near is the first boy character to have such long hair, since the others had shorter hair. It also helps show how unkempt he has become while living on his own. Since Near's face and body doesn't ever change very much, it helps solidify the passage of time as well. It seems to suit him pretty well, too. Since twirling his hair is one of the most well-known mannerisms he has, his hair being longer just draws even more attention to it. Near also has some shorter pieces mixed in with his long hair. Although this is common to see in anime, it's also something commonly seen with people who fidget with their hair. The twirling and pulling often causes the hair to break, which causes varying lengths of hair. Whether it was intentional or not is unknown, but it's a neat detail nonetheless. Finally, although I like Near in all of his appearances, I think his newest appearance may be one of the best versions yet. He really seems unique and individualized now. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. As a bonus, here's a picture of Near. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 12, 2023

New day, new post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about why Near's long hair makes sense for his character in Death Note. For those of you who don't know, Near was in the 2020 Death Note One Shot. In the most recent one shot, he was shown to have long hair. But when fans saw this, many of them complained that it didn't make sense for him to have long hair. However, I don't agree with this. It actually makes quite a bit of sense. As someone who has had both long hair and short hair, long hair actually requires much less upkeep. Short hair has to be cut often to be kept short, whereas long hair only needs washed and brushed. Along with this, Near's hair was already shown to be growing out in the previous one shot we got. But because it was such a small difference, no one really noticed. The 2020 one shot takes place many years later, so it was much more noticeable this time. He's also rather reclusive, and he doesn't really care how he looks. He's more concerned with comfort than anything else, so it makes sense that he'd let his hair grow out to save himself from always getting it cut. Design-wise, the long hair shows just how different Near is from L. Now that Near is the same age L was, it's important to show that he's his own person and not just an L clone. Near is not L, and this can be seen with how differently he acts and looks. His hair was only short because he lived at Wammy's House. Now that he's on his own, he doesn't have to keep himself neat. His hair was already messy when it was short, so it makes sense that he would just let it go even more. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I know it isn't really an important topic, but I thought Near's long hair was a pleasant surprise. I thought it looked very nice, and it was disappointing seeing how many people disagreed and called him a girl just because he has long hair now. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

It's time for another new blog post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the problem with shipping characters. For those of you who don't know, shipping is when you take two characters from anything and put them in a relationship together. They aren't official in the slightest, and some of the pairings can get pretty messed up. Shipping isn't exclusive to the anime/manga community, but it happens so often within the community. Some ships cause major arguments, and some of them are really toxic. For example, Naruto x Sakura was an extremely popular ship in the Naruto fandom, and Lucy x Natsu took over the Fairy Tale fandom. These are examples of really toxic relationships. The girls in both ships were immensely physically and mentally abusive, but no one cared because they're just characters and it was the boys being abused. But if an abusive boy is paired with an innocent girl instead, somehow it's horrible and unacceptable. Things like this are why shipping gets such a bad reputation. Not only this, but some fan ships completely erase canon ships. This happens most often with male x female pairings. If straight relationships are erased in favor of other male x male or female x female pairings, it's considered representation. But if it's reversed, it's erasure. It isn't fair, and many kids base their thoughts and views on what other people are doing. Even if kids aren't supposed to be in some of these fandoms, they still are. Teenagers are especially impressionable, and we shouldn't be influencing them one way or another. It's fine to like a ship or dynamic, but it's important to remember that these fictional characters reflect on real life too. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I don't mind any shipping, but only when it's safe and healthy for everyone involved. I know shipping can be a controversial subject, but it really shouldn't be. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

How nutritious would Paimon be as emergency food? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! For those of you who don't know, Paimon being "emergency food" is an ongoing joke in Genshin Impact. But, would she actually be good food in an emergency situation? Firstly, let's take her size into account. She's very small, and quite thin. So she already isn't much of a food supply. However, she is always eating. The food she eats may add some sort of nutritional value to her, but she's most likely always eating because she's always hungry. That would mean she has a high metabolism, which means her body uses up the food before it can make her feel full. Along with this, she doesn't have the healthiest diet. She also doesn't exercise very much, which would mean she has more fat cells than muscle. Fat cells don't hold very much nutritional value, and it won't keep you full in an emergency situation. Because of this, I think it's safe to say she wouldn't be good emergency food. So although it's a fun joke, Paimon is not emergency food. Also, don't eat your travel companions! Or anyone! Don't eat people! This is just a fun little hypothetical post because of the running joke. As always, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Monday, January 9, 2023

3, 2, 1, post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the English voice actors of Genshin Impact. Although every dub has its fans, and every fan chooses their preferred dub for a reason, I've found that the English dub can't quite be matched. Not only do the voices match well, but the English dub actually has things other dubs don't. For example, Venti only sang for the Weinlesefest in the English version of the game. The other English voice actors also have their own spin on things. Itto's English voice actor really sells his character, and Paimon's English voice actor often adds things. Not only this, but the English voice actors often have tik toks, meet-ups, and live streams that they do in-character. Many of the voice actors love their characters, and a lot of the memes and things we get are from the official English voice actors. Childe's voice actor (Griffin Burns) and Venti's voice actress (Erika Harlacher) even sing songs in-character. Of course that doesn't mean you can't enjoy other dubs, especially since the original Chinese voice actors often sing songs in-character for fan projects as well. I just personally think the English voice actors are amazing. Although, I would like to add that I'm proud of all of the voice actors in all of the dubs. They all put in so much work, and they all deserve some love and appreciation. As always, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Heads up! It's time for another Pokemon list! Today's blog post will be a list of four dangerous ghost Pokemon. These Pokemon will be ranked on a danger scale of zero to ten. I'll also be giving a reason for each rating, as well. Please also remember that these rankings are just based on my opinions. Now then, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Litwick - 9/10 - Deceivingly cute like the other Pokemon on this list, but more dangerous than it looks. Stay away from this little guy, unless you want it to absorb your life force like a plant photosynthesizing.

2.) Phantump - 6/10 - Phantump is relatively harmless on its own. Just don't follow its eerie cries and you'll be okay. But fall for its trap and you'll be lost forever.

3.) Mimikyu - 8/10 - It's harmless! Unless you even think about peeking under its concealing cloth. Then it's pretty much instant death. Sorry.

4.) Sinistea - 2/10 - It theoretically could be dangerous, since it drains your vitality. But it can only drain you if you drink it, and it tastes so awful that it's always immediately spit out. Sinistea may be one of the least dangerous vitality-draining Pokemon, really.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

It's time for a list! For today's blog post, I will be ranking four Pokemon based on how edible they are. I'll only be choosing Pokemon who have been implied or stated to be edible, and I'll be giving a reasoning for each score they have. Please remember this is all in good fun, I don't condone the eating of Pokemon. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Magikarp - 7/10 - It's a fish, so I imagine it would taste like a fish. I don't like the idea of eating any Pokemon, especially ones I like. But I imagine there's someone out there who likes the sound of Magikarp sushi.

2.) Appletun - 8/10 - This one is actually supposed to taste pretty sweet. Since it's only the excess skin on its back that gets eaten, the actual Pokemon gets to live. That would make it way easier to eat, morally speaking. Although, it's unknown if this hurts the Pokemon or not.

3.) Alcremie - 9/10 - Although it's just a byproduct of Alcremie that's edible, it feels kind of weird to eat it. But if you can overlook the fact that it comes from Alcremie, the cream it provides is supposed to be very sweet.

4.) Slowpoke - 10/10, I guess? - One of the more edible Pokemon, since it doesn't feel anything in its tail. The tail is the edible part of the Pokemon, and it'll grow back with time. A normal Slowpoke will have a sweet tail, and a Galarian Slowpoke will have a spicy tail, so it can be appealing to more people. It may seem strange to us, and it's not very nutritious. But at least it's supposed to taste good.

Friday, January 6, 2023

The new 3.4 update trailer for Genshin Impact has been released! The new trailer showcases the newest upcoming events, and it also shows off two new characters. The new characters are Yaoyao and Alhaitham, and Yaoyao will be released first. There will also be new events, including the much anticipated Lantern Rite. This year's Lantern Rite will center around a music festival, and even Venti will be there for the festival. There will also be two new characters skins, as well. The new trailer is really quite beautiful too, so I won't go into too much detail in this post. Instead, I'll be including the link for the new trailer below so you all can watch it yourselves. Enjoy!

The new 3.4 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiEuMkRNQ7A

Thursday, January 5, 2023

What time is it? Post time! The blog post for today will be about the hang out events from Genshin Impact, Hang out events are special scenarios that allow you to hang out with certain characters. Currently only 4 star characters get hang out events, since 5 star characters get special story quests instead. These special hang out events cost special keys to unlock. You obtain these keys by completing daily commissions. Every eight commissions gives you one key. However, you only need to unlock a hang out event once to have it permanently available. Each hang out event can be replayed, and each one has multiple endings. Completing the endings can also give you rewards; with some of the rewards being primogems. These events are a good way to spend time with some of your favorite characters, and they're a good way to pass the time for a bit. A lot of fans really love these events, even though it's a bit disappointing that only the 4 star characters get these events. Two of my favorite characters are 5 stars, so hopefully they'll add some 5 star hang outs in the future. Especially since these hang outs are pretty immersive. The characters talk directly to the viewer instead of just the traveler, which makes it feel a bit more like an animated dating sim. These are supposed to just be friendship events though, and it's rather unlikely that the 5 star characters will be getting them any time soon. But, I digress. As always, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

It's post time! Today's blog post will be about the movie Only Yesterday. Only Yesterday is a Studio Ghibli movie from 1991, and it centers around 27 year old Taeko Okajima. The story follows Taeko as she takes an extended trip to the countryside. During her trip, she becomes very nostalgic. She spends most of the trip reminiscing about her childhood. Because of this, the movie switches between her younger self and her current self frequently. The transitions can be a bit difficult to follow at times, and most of the movie focuses solely on Taeko's childhood in Tokyo. Some people may see this as a sad movie, but I'm not sure why. It's just a look into someone's past and childhood. I suppose there can be emotional moments, but every Studio Ghibli movie is like that. This movie is very much a drama, since it focuses on Taeko's life and emotions. I would recommend it if that's what you're interested in, and it's something that's worth watching at least once. This movie is much more realistic than other Studio Ghibli movies, so it has many more real-life problems scattered throughout it. It can also be a bit difficult to watch some of the scenes. But, that may just be because of how awkward some scenes feel. All in all, it's a good film. If any of you are interested in this film, it's available in English on HBO Max. As always, I will be including a picture of the movie below. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Will Team Rocket still be a part of the Pokemon anime? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! For those of you who don't yet know, Ash and Pikachu will soon be leaving the Pokemon anime. But, what will happen to Team Rocket afterwards? Well, no one really knows for sure right now. Most people have assumed they'll be going too, since their existences have pretty much centered around Ash for the whole series. However, this isn't necessarily the case. Team Rocket was originally supposed to be capturing a variety of different Pokemon; they just focused on Ash's Pikachu. They could easily carry onto the new anime series, if fans wanted them too. Seeing familiar faces like Team Rocket may help fans transition to the new series easier, and they'll encourage existing fans to watch the new series as well. Team Rocket has been known to travel around anyways, so it wouldn't be out of the ordinary to see them in the new Paldea region. Even if they aren't the main antagonists of the new series, it would be nice to see them again. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. It's difficult to say what will happen to Team Rocket because we still haven't gotten confirmation either way. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enojoyed this blog post!

Monday, January 2, 2023

Will Kaeya eventually betray Mondstadt? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Kaeya is one of the more mysterious characters in Genshin Impact, and many fans think that's because he has something to hide. He seems to have some sort of connection with the ancient civilization of Khaenri'ah, which makes fans think he's just waiting to betray Mondstadt. However, his connection with Khaenri'ah hasn't even been confirmed yet. His mysterious past doesn't mean he'll turn out to be evil in the end, especially since he does seem to care for the people of Mondstadt. It's where he was raised, and it has become his home. This of course doesn't mean the theories are wrong, but I have a hard time believing they're right. He is mysterious, and he does act like he has his own goals; but that doesn't mean he's just waiting to betray everyone and everything he's ever loved. We may learn more about him in the future, or he might just stay as mysterious as he's always been. Either way, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. As always, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Since today marks the beginning of the new year once again, I was planning on doing another standard New Year's post where I list some pictures and wish everyone a happy new year. But, I've gotten pretty bored of that. So for this year's post, I'll be talking about the longest running anime series to ever exist. Now, some of you may be thinking about Naruto or Dragon Ball, but there's one that outdoes them all. That one, is Sazae-San. Sazae-San seems like a pretty unremarkably normal slice-of-life series at first glance, but this show has been airing since 1969. Although it has a bit over 2,600 episodes, each episode has multiple segments. It has over 7,000 separate segments, and is actually nearing 8,000 now. It has the world record for being the longest running animated series, and it seems to still be going to this day. It's really incredible that this show has managed to last for so long, especially since the comic it was based on didn't even come close. Although the comic may not hold the same amazing record, it's good to see the series still has life in the animation. If anyone wanted to check this show out, they'd need to have a lot of free time. On a side note, I'm not at all sure if there are English versions of this show available. Despite the fact that it's been running for such a long time, there actually isn't much information for it. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! Happy New Year everyone!