Monday, January 23, 2023

New day, new post! Today's blog post will be about Dollmore. Dollmore is a ball-jointed doll company. Although they don't have anything specifically anime-related, ball-jointed dolls are immensely popular in the anime community. Normally I don't talk about specific companies, but this one is different. Dollmore has much larger dolls available on their website. I've seen a few people mention having an interest in the life-size dolls without knowing this company even existed. Although these dolls are still a bit short (standing at only three or four feet tall), they're much larger than any other available doll companies. However, their price absolutely reflects that; with the bigger dolls being one to two thousand dollars each. Yikes. What does this have to do with anime? Well, their hair and clothes can be easily changed; which would make it very easy to make any of these dolls look like your preferred anime characters. Although many people may find this odd, many fans love having things like this as collector items. If you prefer the smaller normally sized dolls, they have those too. There are a few downsides though. Firstly, the biggest available doll sizes are only available in female models right now. Which means if you prefer the boy models, you're out of luck. Secondly, I absolutely cannot say anything about the quality of these dolls. I've heard they're good, but I've never gotten one; so I can't say. I will not say anything either way, since I highly recommend doing your own research first and making your own decisions. Ball-jointed dolls are always expensive, so you should always look at the positives and negatives of every company yourselves. I just wanted to talk about this because I found them very cool and fascinating. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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