Friday, January 13, 2023

What time is it? Post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about why I prefer Near's long hair in Death Note. Since yesterday I talked about why his long hair made sense for his character, I figured I'd talk about this today. As I mentioned in my last post, Near now has long hair. I actually prefer his long hair over his short hair for a few reasons. Firstly, it helps him stand out. Near is the first boy character to have such long hair, since the others had shorter hair. It also helps show how unkempt he has become while living on his own. Since Near's face and body doesn't ever change very much, it helps solidify the passage of time as well. It seems to suit him pretty well, too. Since twirling his hair is one of the most well-known mannerisms he has, his hair being longer just draws even more attention to it. Near also has some shorter pieces mixed in with his long hair. Although this is common to see in anime, it's also something commonly seen with people who fidget with their hair. The twirling and pulling often causes the hair to break, which causes varying lengths of hair. Whether it was intentional or not is unknown, but it's a neat detail nonetheless. Finally, although I like Near in all of his appearances, I think his newest appearance may be one of the best versions yet. He really seems unique and individualized now. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. As a bonus, here's a picture of Near. Enjoy!

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