Thursday, January 26, 2023

What time is it? Post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Mika from Genshin Impact. Mika is an upcoming Mondstadt character who is already hated for no reason. So, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post. It's true every new character always gets their fair share of criticism, but this level of cruelty is just uncalled for. He hasn't even be released yet. Not only this, but Mika is set to be an amazingly useful character; with him having two firsts. He'll be the first cryo catalyst user, and the first character to use three different weapons. He's also outwardly timid and anxious, which hasn't been seen in a boy character until him. But because he's different, hundreds of people have gathered on the Twitter platform (a surprise, I'm sure) to say nothing but "he's ugly" over and over again until someone finally believes them. I'm sure this is just the minority of fans doing this, but they're so loud and repetitive that it's beyond annoying. I've seen many other fans saying they're very tired of this unruly behavior, and even those who don't particularly like Mika are sick of these people constantly calling him ugly. However, it shouldn't be a surprise. Genshin Impact has gathered such a toxic community that those who live on Twitter have decided to insult and berate anyone and anything they don't agree with. Whether it be characters, Mihoyo themselves, or even other fans. They don't care. But, it isn't the game's fault. In fact, this happens with every immensely popular thing. It's unfortunate that these types of people have to ruin everything for everyone else, but it's bound to happen regardless. But, I digress. I actually think he's pretty cute. He reminds me of Chocobos and Len Kagamine. Put him with Faruzan and now you have Hatsune Miku too. These are mainly just my thoughts on this topic, as well. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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