Monday, January 2, 2023

Will Kaeya eventually betray Mondstadt? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Kaeya is one of the more mysterious characters in Genshin Impact, and many fans think that's because he has something to hide. He seems to have some sort of connection with the ancient civilization of Khaenri'ah, which makes fans think he's just waiting to betray Mondstadt. However, his connection with Khaenri'ah hasn't even been confirmed yet. His mysterious past doesn't mean he'll turn out to be evil in the end, especially since he does seem to care for the people of Mondstadt. It's where he was raised, and it has become his home. This of course doesn't mean the theories are wrong, but I have a hard time believing they're right. He is mysterious, and he does act like he has his own goals; but that doesn't mean he's just waiting to betray everyone and everything he's ever loved. We may learn more about him in the future, or he might just stay as mysterious as he's always been. Either way, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. As always, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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