Sunday, January 29, 2023

What time is it? Time for another new post! For today's blog post, I will be listing five things about L that no one knows about. These facts have all been officially confirmed, but for some odd reason no one knows about them. I'll even be including where to find the information for yourselves so you all know I'm not just making it up. I've seen many people get these facts wrong in the past, so it's just something I wanted to talk about. Who knows, some of you may know these things already. So, let's get on with it!

1.) L is actually very clean. Many people see him as dirty and scruffy, but this just isn't true. He bathes very often with a human washing machine made by Watari himself. (As stated in the L-centered Death Note One Shot One Day)

2.) Going along with the previous fact, L's strange way of holding things is because he has a germ issue. Takeshi Obata thought of him as a clean-freak, so he holds everything as if it were dirty. (Death Note 13: How To Read; page 118)

3) L isn't just Japanese. He's also English, Russian, and French or Italian. (Death Note 13: How To Read; page 59)

4.) L was a nameless orphan who was picked up at a young age by Watari, who took him in to live with the other children in his orphanage. (This is from the L-centered One Shot The Wammy's House)

5.) L's kick wasn't originally supposed to be based on anything. The creators just thought he would kick oddly, and tried to find a way he could do it with handcuffs on. But when the fans said it looked like capoeira, the creators thought it was a nice touch. (Death Note 13: How To Read; pages 64 and118)

Firstly, I'd like to add that The Wammy's House and One Day are often listed as the same comic since they were released together and both focus on L. Secondly, there are actually a lot of little Death Note facts out there that are often unknown, ignored, or overlooked. So, I may make another one of these lists for L and the other characters in the future. In the meantime, I hope you've all enjoyed this one!

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