Monday, January 16, 2023

It's time for another new post! Since I seem to be on a Death Note marathon right now, I decided to talk about the genius of Death Note's intro and outro themes. Death Note has arguably one of the best soundtracks in anime. Every song fits both the dramatic scenes, as well as the more lighthearted and laid-back scenes. So obviously it would also have some of the best themes. The first intro theme is the first thing that introduces viewers to the series, and it does an amazing job doing so. The images that play with it don't give too many things away, while still showing off what is to come. The song really fits the dramatic themes of the series, as well. The ending theme is also a good way to wind down after the episodes while still showing the serious tone of the show. The secondary themes, however, are much different. The second intro is immensely chaotic, and it shows how insane the show is becoming. The stakes are higher, and each plan is becoming more desperate and convoluted than the last. It also doesn't really show off what will come at all, which just makes every twist and turn more surprising. Even when it adds new characters, they can easily be missed with the amount of things happening. The ending theme is much different than the first one, too. It isn't somber at all, and it's also faster than the first. This shows off just how fast-paced the show is getting, and how different it will be from then on. Others may also pick apart the different symbolisms and such hidden within the animations that play with the songs, but they could do it much better than I; so I'll leave that to them. I just wanted to talk about how amazing the music is in this series, since I really think they nailed it with this one. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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