Sunday, January 1, 2023

Since today marks the beginning of the new year once again, I was planning on doing another standard New Year's post where I list some pictures and wish everyone a happy new year. But, I've gotten pretty bored of that. So for this year's post, I'll be talking about the longest running anime series to ever exist. Now, some of you may be thinking about Naruto or Dragon Ball, but there's one that outdoes them all. That one, is Sazae-San. Sazae-San seems like a pretty unremarkably normal slice-of-life series at first glance, but this show has been airing since 1969. Although it has a bit over 2,600 episodes, each episode has multiple segments. It has over 7,000 separate segments, and is actually nearing 8,000 now. It has the world record for being the longest running animated series, and it seems to still be going to this day. It's really incredible that this show has managed to last for so long, especially since the comic it was based on didn't even come close. Although the comic may not hold the same amazing record, it's good to see the series still has life in the animation. If anyone wanted to check this show out, they'd need to have a lot of free time. On a side note, I'm not at all sure if there are English versions of this show available. Despite the fact that it's been running for such a long time, there actually isn't much information for it. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! Happy New Year everyone!

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