Wednesday, January 4, 2023

It's post time! Today's blog post will be about the movie Only Yesterday. Only Yesterday is a Studio Ghibli movie from 1991, and it centers around 27 year old Taeko Okajima. The story follows Taeko as she takes an extended trip to the countryside. During her trip, she becomes very nostalgic. She spends most of the trip reminiscing about her childhood. Because of this, the movie switches between her younger self and her current self frequently. The transitions can be a bit difficult to follow at times, and most of the movie focuses solely on Taeko's childhood in Tokyo. Some people may see this as a sad movie, but I'm not sure why. It's just a look into someone's past and childhood. I suppose there can be emotional moments, but every Studio Ghibli movie is like that. This movie is very much a drama, since it focuses on Taeko's life and emotions. I would recommend it if that's what you're interested in, and it's something that's worth watching at least once. This movie is much more realistic than other Studio Ghibli movies, so it has many more real-life problems scattered throughout it. It can also be a bit difficult to watch some of the scenes. But, that may just be because of how awkward some scenes feel. All in all, it's a good film. If any of you are interested in this film, it's available in English on HBO Max. As always, I will be including a picture of the movie below. Enjoy!

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