Monday, January 9, 2023

3, 2, 1, post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the English voice actors of Genshin Impact. Although every dub has its fans, and every fan chooses their preferred dub for a reason, I've found that the English dub can't quite be matched. Not only do the voices match well, but the English dub actually has things other dubs don't. For example, Venti only sang for the Weinlesefest in the English version of the game. The other English voice actors also have their own spin on things. Itto's English voice actor really sells his character, and Paimon's English voice actor often adds things. Not only this, but the English voice actors often have tik toks, meet-ups, and live streams that they do in-character. Many of the voice actors love their characters, and a lot of the memes and things we get are from the official English voice actors. Childe's voice actor (Griffin Burns) and Venti's voice actress (Erika Harlacher) even sing songs in-character. Of course that doesn't mean you can't enjoy other dubs, especially since the original Chinese voice actors often sing songs in-character for fan projects as well. I just personally think the English voice actors are amazing. Although, I would like to add that I'm proud of all of the voice actors in all of the dubs. They all put in so much work, and they all deserve some love and appreciation. As always, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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