Wednesday, January 18, 2023

What time is it? Post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the unfair treatment of Near within the Death Note fandom. But first, here's a mandatory spoiler warning! Because there will be a few spoilers. Now then, let's get on with it! I have mentioned once or twice before how fans treat Near poorly because of his association with L, but I actually wanted to focus on it this time. It would be a lie to say no one likes him, since every character in every series will always have their fans. However, I never really realized just how much he's been neglected because I too have always liked L more. But in my research, I always find everyone complaining about Near and how useless he is. The official and fan-made merchandise for him is nearly nonexistent, and you'd never think he came from a franchise as popular as Death Note. Not only this, but hardly anyone even acknowledges the fact that he's still working as a detective and has been shown to be quite capable on his own. The newest one shot may not have focused on him, but it's impressive to see that he's still working on these tasks far into his adulthood. He was chosen for a reason, and that reason is his amazing intelligence. People also complain that he just used L's work to catch Kira. But, that's what all good detectives do. Why would anyone start from scratch when there's already so much information to help? L chose him as his successor, so he was quite literally raised to be L's replacement. Technically Near and Mello were chosen, but Near is the one who survived. Whether you like him or not doesn't really matter. since everyone is entitled to their own preferences and opinions. I just get tired of seeing people get angry with Near for not only just doing his job, but also literally existing. Love him or hate him, it's nice to see someone so capable continuing L's legacy even in newer additions to the series. He's a familiar face, and a capable detective. Those are mostly just my thoughts, though. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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