Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Are Razor and Cyno related in Genshin Impact? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Although this may seem like a ridiculous question to ask, many fans have actually been wondering about this. Even though Razor is from Mondstadt and Cyno is from Sumeru, they do share some similarities. They're both electro users, they have similar hair colors, they're both associated with wolf-like animals, and....maybe that's it. I suppose it wouldn't be impossible for there to be a relation between them, but I find it highly unlikely. Razor is only associated with wolves because he was raised by them, and Cyno is associated with Anubis because of his ties with judgement. Not to mention relatives generally don't have the same vision types, as seen with Barbara and Jean. Even hair color doesn't necessarily mean anything, since other characters have the same exact hair color. Although I would love if there was some kind of connection between them, at the moment I think it's all just a coincidence. But those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic, anyways. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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