Friday, December 23, 2022

What time is it? Post time! It's been rather cold and snowy recently, so I've decided to talk about something else cold: ice. Or rather, the Vocaloid band Ice Mountain. I fooled you all for a moment there, didn't I? I have once again been sucked into the vortex that is Ice Mountain. But to my disappoint, there still isn't very much content for them. Kiyoteru Hiyama might be relatively popular on his own, but content for his band is severely lacking. Since my favorite band member is Natsuki Hokaze, I'm sure others can understand my disappointment. I've found quite a few people who were very excited about an actual Vocaloid band. I mean, Vocaloid characters who exist solely to help with immersion for videos and concerts? That's awesome! If they became popular enough, the other band members may have even gotten voices of their own. But alas, their initial reveal was a flop. Since then, Kiyoteru has only been marketed on his own. No mention of his band at all. If they acquired a bigger fan base, this Vocaloid band could go far. But as of right now, all we have is a few pictures and a handful of songs. Hopefully we'll get more in the future. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post.

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