Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Why are there no small boy characters in Genshin Impact? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Although this may seem like an odd question, many fans have been wondering about this. With all of the new characters coming out, it's odd we still haven't gotten a little boy yet. This shouldn't be an issue, but we've actually gotten quite a few little girl characters so far. There hasn't even been a single leak indicating we'll get one in the future. So, where are they? It's rather odd we haven't seen anything about it at all. It isn't because a boy wouldn't be popular, because many fans are eagerly looking forward to seeing what one would look like. It also isn't because young boys aren't popular, since many fans also love the young boy characters we already have. It could be because there isn't a small boy model yet, but they could add one. Adding a new model would add quite a bit of variety to the game, even if it doesn't seem like it would. I know there are more girl characters than boy characters, but I find it extremely odd that there are so many small girl characters but not a single small boy character. Small girl characters have actually been being added relatively frequently recently, which makes it even stranger. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. We haven't been given any answers for this so far, and it's unlikely we'll get one anytime soon. I personally am curious to know what a small boy character would look like, since the girls have different models than the NPCs. It's difficult to say if we ever will get one, though. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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