Wednesday, December 14, 2022

New day, new post! For todays blog post, I will be talking about Studio Ghibli's newest upcoming film. The new film is currently titled How Do You Live, since it's based on the novel of the same name. However, it's unclear if this title will stay the same for its release. This movie has been in production for a few years now, and it was created by Hayao Miyazaki himself. It's expected to have the same beloved animation style Studio Ghibli movies are known for, and it's set to release in Japan on July 14th, 2023. Although not much is known about the movie so far, it has been an important project for Hayao Miyazaki. It's the movie that brought him back out of retirement, and everyone has been working hard to make this project perfect. It's unknown if this movie will follow its book counterpart closely or not, but knowing Studio Ghibli I'm sure they're planning on adding their own personal flair to it. This project has been long overdo with all of the effort that has been put into it, and I'm sure it will be just as good as previous films released by Studio Ghibli. But as of right now, fans are still eagerly awaiting its arrival. There has been one picture released for it so far, and as always I will be including it below. Enjoy!

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