Sunday, December 11, 2022

Yaoyao has finally been revealed! For those of you who don't know, Yaoyao is a Genshin Impact character who was revealed quite a while ago in some official artwork. However, she was never put in the game. She was never even talked about in any way after her reveal. Many people assumed this was because she was a dendro character, and dendro hadn't been released yet. But even after dendro was released, there was no sign of Yaoyao. A little later, another picture of Yaoyao was released, but there was still no sign of her official release. But as of a few days ago, she was officially revealed as an upcoming character on Genshin Impact's official accounts. The reveal shows her official character card, and it reveals some important information about her. Fans are very excited to see she's finally been released, especially since fans have been anxiously awaiting her addition for years now. To avoid spoilers, I wont be giving the details about her on here just yet. Instead, I'll be including the link for the official Instagram post below; as well as her official character card. Enjoy!

The link for the Instagram post:

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