Thursday, December 22, 2022

It's time for another new post. I've been putting off doing this post for a while, but I suppose I'll talk about it now. Ash and Pikachu are officially leaving the Pokemon anime. Although many fans are glad to see them go, I'm actually rather upset about it. I grew up with the anime, and Ash, Pikachu, and Team Rocket have been the only constants throughout the series. Since the main characters are leaving, there's a good chance Team Rocket will be next. Ash and Pikachu may be leaving because their stories are finished, but I genuinely don't know how the anime will be without them. Everyone else is so excited to see them go, so it feels weird to be one of the only ones actually upset about this news. But, I've known Ash and Pikachu my whole life. Pikachu is the brand's mascot. Without Ash, Pikachu is just another Pokemon. I'm also a huge fan of Team Rocket, and I'm worried they'll have to leave as well. Their stories revolved around Ash and his Pikachu, but no one seems to care about this at all. I'm curious about what they'll do without them, but the anime doesn't really feel like Pokemon without these recognizable characters. Maybe they'll bring them back here and there in the future, but that isn't really the same thing. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post.

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