Monday, December 12, 2022

Do old Pokemon need new evolutions? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post. With new generations of Pokemon games, there's always new Pokemon. But recently, old Pokemon have also been getting new evolutions. Although I understand that many older Pokemon from previous generations are often very popular, adding anything new to something old can be very tricky. Fans already love the current Pokemon, which is why they're so popular in the first place. Making regional variants for them is different; since the original Pokemon is still there. I will admit the original Pokemon is still there when an evolution is added, but not really in the same way. Along with this, it brings up the question "Where has this evolution been this whole time?". Saying an evolution is only possible in a specific region helps explain this away, but sometimes we aren't even given that. This becomes especially risky when adding a new pre-evolution. This has been done before, and it really doesn't make sense. A Pokemon can't stop being a baby and turn into something else entirely spontaneously. Some of you may say "well maybe they've always evolved from this Pokemon without us knowing". Firstly, that wouldn't really make sense. Why wouldn't we know? Secondly. this also just isn't true. There was a baby Pikachu in the anime before Pichu was created. This piece of evidence has been one of the biggest arguments against us not knowing about a pre-evolution. I'm not saying old Pokemon shouldn't ever get new evolutions or pre-evolutions. Some fans really like when an old Pokemon is given attention. I just personally think it would be a safer decision to make regional or mega evolution variants of the Pokemon instead. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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