Thursday, December 15, 2022

It's post time once again! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the archons' genders in Genshin Impact. There will be some spoilers though, so proceed with caution. Now that that's out of the way, let's get on with it! For some reason, this topic pops up quite frequently; especially for poor Venti. Although most archons have a set gender that they've always been, that isn't true for all of them. Most archons are not born archons, and they instead rise to power after they've been chosen by Celestia; normally after the previous archon is defeated. Because of this, some of them have forms from before they were archons. This is true for both Barbatos and Morax, who both lacked human forms. Morax was an illuminated beast like the other adepti, and Barbatos was a wind spirit. Zhongli is currently a male archon, but has disguised himself as an older woman in the past. Venti has the appearance of a dear friend he had lost, but he may still have chosen a male form regardless. Or he may have remained genderless. As of now though, his form and status as a bard are because he is honoring his friend. As for the other archons, we've seen nothing to suggest they're anything other than what they currently are; although there's a chance they can shift their shapes if they want to as well. Regardless, I just wanted to talk about this because I've noticed people are still questioning Venti's gender. The archons are what they are, okay? And Venti can be ambiguous if he wants, even if his ambiguity is just because he looks like a young boy. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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