Wednesday, December 21, 2022

It's post time! Today is actually December 21st, which is 12/21. Because of this, I wanted to talk about a neat little thing in a game I grew up with. In Dark Cloud 2, there's a small puzzle given to you by the mayor. In it, you have to give him the correct combination to his safe. The puzzle is actually extraordinarily unremarkable, but it was interesting enough to me that I remembered it today when I noticed the date. This is because the combination to his safe is 1221. The combination to his safe is actually his daughter's birthday, as well. It can be a bit tricky at first, but now almost anyone who plays the game already knows it because of the answers online. I would actually highly recommend playing this game. I prefer Dark Cloud 2 over Dark Cloud, and so many things remind me of it. It has great music, a great story, and it's pretty easy for beginners. It originally came out in 2003 (or in Japan in 2002 with the name Dark Chronicle), but it has since been remastered for newer game systems. Now that I've rambled on for a bit about this kind of old puzzle in a video game, I'll be including a picture from the game below. Enjoy!

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