Saturday, December 10, 2022

It's time to post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about my favorite kitsune in anime so far. I won't say he's my favorite kitsune in general, since I haven't seen many anime with kitsune yet. But as of right now, my favorite is....(drumroll please) Kyubi from Yokai Watch! Ta da! Kyubi is pretty funny in general, and I really like how he's portrayed in the series. However, I don't like the crush he had on Katie in the show. He was clearly much older than her and it was kind of creepy. But other than that, he's a really good character. His transformation powers are handled really well, and he works well in both comedic and serious scenarios. I also really like his design. His normal fox form is incredibly pretty, and it fits well with the kitsune mentioned in folklore. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. It is my opinion, after all. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As always, I will be including a picture of Kyubi in his normal fox form below. Enjoy!

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